The Innovation, Technology, and Public Management Lab & Research Group (IT_GesPub), is an Official Research Group at Autonoma University of Madrid. Today, we launch this website and this blog to let you know who we are, what we do, and where we want to go in the future. Also, we would like to share our values and principles.
Who we are. ITGesPub is made up of a team of enthusiastic and committed people with the world we live on, we are part of the Autonoma University of Madrid, together with international affiliated members sharing our values, who work to improve the knowledge, analysis and practice of Public Management.
What we do. Our Team has a broad experience in research and innovation projects, teaching at all levels (from undergraduate/postgraduate to executive training), and a strong commitment with is on our DNA and challenges in our governments and public administrations.
Where we want to go. Our greatest concern is understanding, and help to understand, how governments and public administrations work. Also, we foresee to directly impact in the world where we live, mostly through collaborating with people and organizations concerned with the public sector, and sharing our commitment with the improvement of citizens’ quality of life.
Our values: The core principles of this project are: internationalization, knowledge production, public service, sustainability, and integrity.
Public management is an academic discipline, but also professional practice, increasingly global, so our first principle is internationalization. We are part of the global conversation about the latest innovations and megatrends in government and public sector management. At the same time, we focus our attention into our surrounding context, both in Spain and Latin American countries, and also the European Union.
Universities and scholars should share a common commitment to the production of knowledge. In our case, this valueis based on the use of innovative, reliable, and replicable methodologies and techniques during data collection processes, at the same time we exert methodological plurality, and scientific rigour in analysis.
Being part of the Autonoma University of Madrid reinforces our commitment to public sector, from the public sector. Although this value does not restrain us to collaborate with private or third sector organizations, we will always workwith organizations and people sharing our values to improve people's well-being, and search for the best public management.
Sustainability is on our DNA, integrating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. As the first research group at the Autonoma University of Madrid to take on this challenge, we have a responsible vision of our activity, from a position clearly linked to the principles of Open Science.
Our project could be resumed with the word integrity. Along with the idea of public service and sustainability, a real ethical commitment is essential for our team. We focus on transparency in all we do and on the development of collaboration that truly add public and social value through real facts.
We have the ambition to be part of the collective journey looking for a better public management in governments and public administrations, and oriented to improve people's lives. Also, we are aware of all types of challenges that our political communities are actually facing, regarding tothe complexity of our world and societies. We are ready to be there: contributing with our work and energy, also our credibility and rigor. We wait for you then.